Friday, 5 November 2010


We was put into groups for our radio assignment, I was in a group with Naomi, Kris, Craig, Jamie, Brett, Jon and Nathan. We all tried to come up with different ways in how to present the show and as we was doing a morning show and an afternoon show we decided to host 2 main different presents on each show and have a guest with them. We thought that a name for our show to represent each programme would be good, we had come up with different names and logos for the show such as Sunny Side up and Sun Set Down, after a few talks though and when Kris came back off holiday we changed the name completely and decided to call both shows Phresh FM, we picked this name as the name showed that our programme would be fresh and entertaining.

There was a lot to do for the show, such as get topics, news, features and come up with a playlist to feature on the show, we had to come up with different playlists for each show as the morning show would be calm and relaxing and more talking as from the research we had done, it showed that morning shows have the presenter talking more, where as in the afternoon there is more music being played and more features in the show. We had group meetings in who we thought should do what and who should be the main presenter in each show, we came up with;

Jon for the morning show, he can pitch his voice so that it carries to people and people understand what he is talking back, he is nice and loud but not too loud so it sounds like he is excited. As Jon is interested in buses and his nickname is Boris, we was going to have him play this sort of character where his excitment comes from buses, we stopped this idea as we thought that it would be too much for a morning show, we ended up just saying to be normal and just what the audience wants to hear. As we had to have topics to talk about we didnt lay down a detailed script, but we got bullent points of what happened during that week for him to talk about with his studio audience. Brett was Jons co-host for someone to talk to so that the audience gets a feel of a nice normal conversation in the morning and Brett knew which topics to talk about.

Kris for the afternoon show because, they play more music and have less talking and more features in the show, we picked Kris as our afternoon show was going to be more about music and dupstep music and drum and bass, the language Kris can speak and the way his personality is we thought that he would be great for the role of our afternoon show. We ended up not doing this idea, as our questionnaire showed that more people liked either RnB or Indie / rock so we changed our original idea to a more, chilled out and relaxed afternoon show. Joining Craig on the afternoon show

Nathan wanted to do the news for our show as that is his passion and it would of been good experience for him to do for future reference. I felt that he could of done a lot more on doing this task, admittedly he could only get main news for when we going to do a practise broadcast or an actual live broadcast, though he could of practising on how much news he should get and what topics as this was for a student broadcast.

While, Nathan, Brett, Jon, Kris and Craig had main presenting jobs the rest of the group was going to come on as special guests or take part in the games that we had come up with like the 'Quick Fire Round'.

We all as a group got involved in creating the features that we was going to play in the morning or afternoon show and the 2 games we had made out. The quiz was going to feature in the morning show that it got peoples minds awake and ready for the day, the Quiz involved, myself, Brett and Kris as the contestants and Jon asking the question, Nathan keeping score and Naomi recording, as it was a pre-recorded quiz and the game for the afternoon show would be the Quick Fire Round, we picked this for the afternoon show as its more of a light hearted game as you can have a laugh and joke about the different words that would appear, Craig was the host who made up the words, and myself, Jamie, Kris, Brett and Craig took part.

We all made up different features for the show, such as Guess That Tune, Children In Need Feature 1 and 2, Where's Kris/Jon. The feature that I was involved with was Guess That Tune, this was one of the first features that had to make in Johns lesson, me Jamie and Naomi, made this feature which lasted a couple of minutes long. Children In Need Feature 1 I did the voice over for the little girl Ellie where I talked about people helping to raise money so more people like Ellie can have more fun at hospital and the 2nd feature as I interviewed Andy Tyres.

Our first radio broadcast;

Listening back to the broadcast I understand now what went wrong and the different things that we should of done before playing, what went wrong I personally think was we hadn't researched enough into what we was going to talk about, no real topics in front of us only from the top of our head what had happened in recent news the day before and today, so we struggled on what to say and it seemed that it was really disorganised. The music we played went well with what our target audience had said they preferred in our questionnaire, the news we tried to play on exactly half past, Naomi in this broadcast tried to get all our timings right for the next show so that we know how long to speak and how long each song will end up lasting. The news I think went well and lasted a couple minutes like the usual news. The other thing missing was our Idents introducing Phresh FM and the news, this was partly because Craig wasn't used to being on Myriad and at times we had trouble playing them by exporting them incorrectly, I think that if we had played these in our first broadcast then it would of sounded a lot more professional. Jon tried his best I believe in trying to make the broadcast work well, with speaking to the audience as if they was really there and getting Brett to chat to him about different things, though you could tell that it was awkward and made up on the spot.

What we could achieve on, was writing a basic script and get topics for the presenter to base the show on and say what would be coming up in the show so that it has a more professional feel to it. I think that Jon as a presenter on the morning show and the features we played well fitted in and the more conversation than music fitted what we was going to do.

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